Back in one of my favourite spots in South America... Brazil. I am always amazed by the people when I come here, very warm and friendly. There seems to be a mix of just about every kind of person. Although, in the old days, it seems the Scots really didn't take much interest in Brazil. This has resulted in two serious problems... the whisky is hellava expensive, and the roads are shocking!!! It is obvious by the zillion potholes that McAdam wasn't big on Samba. The road to the little town of Niquelândia from Brasilia is riddled with little patches of asphalt, in retrospect for which I am grateful! Ayrton Senna is not dead, he is alive and kicking (the accelerator) in Niquelândia. During my seven hours, to and from the land of nickel, I have gained tremendous respect for tyres. Glad it wasn't my car we were trashing.
According to Garuti et al "The Niquelandia layered intrusion was emplaced in the Middle Proterozoic (1560-1600Ma) as a result of continental rifting, and underwent amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism at about 770-795 Ma", hmmm what I do know is Niquelândia, she's not big... about 50 000 people, an airport with a 4693 foot runway, although no one seems to use it and just up the road is the world's second largest dam, the Turucuí*. Despite the size, there are plenty of little bars and 'restaurants' to make the time spent their fattening. The Big Lanche barzinho, near the town plaza, became a bit of a ritual, just seemed to call out each evening after work... beers and pastel.

Our after work watering hole...

Niquelândia plaza with another little barzinho on the plaza...

This is a fresh water fish called a Tucunare, or peacock bass .... hmmm yummy, a good change from the mountains of great meat I usually eat in Brazil

No really, it was the storm that made us stay for the extra beer...

So much for a passion wagon... yip! that's garlic, how not to get lucky in Brazil.
I didn't get to see much of Brasilia, but despite it being a planned city, they seemed to have also forgotten to get the asphalt recipe.
Wishing you a wonderful week with not too much garlic and lots of bitumen...
* While we are talking dams... do yourself a favour, or forget yourself and do your neighbour a favour - read Arundhati Roy's essays in her book "Algebra of infinite justice", beutifully written discussion of big dams and nuclear weapons in India.
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