Sunday, May 16, 2010


A long weekend in Prague, a city I could live in, although a beer gut would be inevitable.

Royal palace for 30" as seen from Charles Bridge

Domes and towers of the old city, from the Old City Tower of Charles Bridge

Muzeum metro station

Café Louvre - killer hot chocolate, lousy carrot cake

Sunday, May 09, 2010


everyone else must pay cash.

Doesn't it strike you as odd, that one finds a statement like this on the American quarter? 

Equally intriguing, it is quite amazing the crud and scratches on the surface when seen up close. This is obtained by placing an inverted 35 mm lens on the end of a 105 mm macro, so that gives about a 1:3 magnification. Now I just need to find some bugs to sit still and pose. 

OK, no bugs, so the African Violet stamen will have to do. One of the difficulties of getting in close is the narrow depth of field. This is actually a composite of three different photos, with differing focal planes. I should have taken more, but it's a start.