When you move to a new place, you expect 'them' to drive on the wrong side of the road, speak a different language and use funny money. You are ready for all the big stuff, no matter how big a change, it isn't something odd. It's the little stuff, that's what makes you wonder how you have become so conditioned. The little stuff that catches you off guard. For instance here in Chile most of the salt and pepper cellars I have come across have the white salty stuff coming out of the multi holed dispenser, this fits with the general adversity to things 'picante', but it's wrong! I remember handling London just fine until my taste buds were assaulted by cheese and onion flavour from a blue packet. That's wrong! Everybody knows blue means salt and vinegar. In fact I think that island may suffer from some blue-green colour blindness. Ask any 3 year old and they will tell you cream soda is green, where do the brits come with blue?
It's the little things that count, here are some other little things from here and there:

I know the photies don't fit the story, but a picture of a chip packet isn't that exciting... besides they're little...
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