It has been week of way too much graft and staring at things technical, so I thought I would drop you a note to let you know that the militar school seems to have tossed their flag in the laundry. In fact the whole of Santiago seems like it has had a good wash. The thirty odd degrees we have been having for the last few weeks seem to have sorted out that pollution (which must be responsible for Santiago having more pharmacies per capita than any other town in the world). So now there are beautiful views of ol' cerro el plomo, thats the 5400 and a few metre peak that lurks alongside the bowl that is Santiago. It is not always visible through cloud and smog, but lately its been looking real close and calling. Mid January and there is still snow up there, in fact there is still quite a bit given I haven't needed an umbrella for ages. Nice!
Next week I am off to visit the mountains of Peru for work, I am indeed looking forward to those Humitas and coca sours.

Laundry day at Escuela Militar

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and get to feel as handsome as I will after that coca sour... Hasta leugo
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