It all seems a little weird that a cemetery could be a tourist attraction. Not sure why I think that though, I too have toured the graveyards of New Orleans, Santiago de Chile and now Pere Lachaise in Paris. All three evoke the same kind of 'wow', their above ground vaults are quite something. Little towns with their 'chic' neighbourhoods and the high density spots on the other side of the railway lines. The extents people go to for the dead are quite amazing. Some tombs are probably more spacious that the average Parisian studio. OK, they do house the whole family I guess. Another 'wow', is one of complete disbelief; what low down scum the human is! Evolution may have resulted in this bipedal wonder of creation, but our morals are still that of pond algae. How could you trash a tomb to steal the marble plaque???
As Calvin says, "True genius is never understood in its own lifetime". So, if you weren't around, or didn't understand them, you have the chance to visit some fairly famous bones in Pere Lachaise cemetery. Not sure you will leave with more understanding though, answers are few and far between. Amongst many others, some names you may recognise: Chopin, Grappelli, Haussmann, Ingres, Lalique, Piaf, Proust, Wilde and someone definitely ahead of his time and little understood, Jim Morrison. Hence the title of this entry...

Above, some more of the doors at Pere Lachaise. So a fair amount of talent, the music, art and literature that could come out of this little cemetery is quite something. The 'city' planning, leaves a bit to be desired, some spots have quite a 'just happened' feel about them, whilst others seem to have their own 'boulevards' within the cemetery, hopefully Haussmann found his resting spot on one of them.
The little alleys.
The disorganised.
The tree'ed quartier.
Wide avenues.
Someone got it right, they decided beautiful women should adorn their tomb. One of three such lovely sculptures.
Weird or not, it makes for an interesting stroll.
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