All around the world political parties seem to be honing in on a similar philosophy, yawn! The line separating left and right is a chicane, because politicians have evolved, through attrition of the good guys, to yes 'men' gushing what the majority want to hear, a smudge of public opinion. A dull smudge at that, we all know that the IQ of the collective is that of the brightest individual divided by the number in the group... Democracy rules! Well, in France it isn't quite like this. You see, the Frenchman has a strong opinion, and his opinion is right. So for the first time, since I have been old enough to suppose to care about politics, the different corners actually have corners. Although, unfortunately one gets the feeling that they are still just 'oui (wo)men'. To tame the inner megalomaniac, it's all about choosing the corner where the majority of the opinion sits, but all so fake, a little like a beauty contest, you get coached how to walk, turn, do stairs in heals (a serious issue for the right) and the obligatory "oh, I would love to work with starving African children", despite not knowing where Africa is.
So here we have the contenders, surprisingly religious figures, wannabe God on the right and Mother Theresa II on the left. Affectionately known as Sarko and Sego respectively. I am glad I can't vote, although drawing horns and moustaches on the ballot paper could be worthwhile. It seems I'm not the only one either, as spotted on this magazine cover:

Which roughly translates to, "Oh crap! Who are we going to vote for?"
If the right win, France's economy will be stimulated, as the president's office will have to order an A380 to fly his holiness' ego to state functions, overtaking Bono for the leading ego at the UN. You also get the feeling that the end will justify any means (just like many a head of state I guess, but to get this feeling already during the election campaign, hmmm), it's probably the most scariness you can squeeze into 3' 8". If the left get in, bureaucracy will look like the Boulevard Peripherique at 8pm on a Sunday after a long weekend as they try hold meetings with each and ever individual at the bottom of the food chain to assess their individual needs and wash their feet.
I think France, like Chile, could do with a feminine touch to their leadership, if nothing else than to irritate the old farts that dominate the chauvinist scene at the top. Either that, or maybe it's just that evil scares me.
It won't be boring, either way, France will at least have an opinion at the helm. Which is a lot more than can be said for some puppet states out there. It can't be a bad thing.
Enough about the boring stuff, like the future of of one of the most developed countries on earth. Now for the important stuff, like my last weekend. This time it was on the other side of Paris to the last St Cloud photies, Bois de Vincennes.

Hope you have a great weekend, VE day to follow, victory for whom? Not sure, general consensus seems that the Pope will be redirecting his red phone to the Elysee palace.
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