Maybe I was wrong about that whole diesel particulate pollution theory, it seems I've not been helping at all to stop grilling the earth. Here in Europe, the winter has been mild and the last week or two has be beautiful with clear skies. No doubt, just Mother Nature's way of getting all those little over-anxious buds and animals out there so she can kill them off with a cold snap. That will teach them, well actually it won't, they will be dead already, so it will teach those around them. Hmm, who weren't over-anxious to start with, so... nobody will learn anything. Mother Nature is just cruel. Oh well, we knew that already, but she does it because she loves us. So am I being cruel by driving, alone, everyday? HHhhhhmmmmmm... Nah!
We need a bit more of Mother Nature in the worlds' administrations. Today I heard that the States wrote-off 53 gazillions in municipal debt to save their flailing economy. Pray tell, how does this help? Economies go up and come down, to go back up again, just chill - this isn't a movie, we're not all going to die. Throwing cash you don't have at the problem, that is amplified in the minds of the hysterical and by sensation hunting 24 hour news channels, is just delaying and worsening it. By not tightening your belts a little no one learns anything. That's not true, in fact the banks have learnt recently that if you take financially dubious decisions to boost your CEO's short-term bonus and then land in the crap, it's OK, the tax payer will bail you out. So as a consumer/taxpayer, not only do we have to pay exorbitant fees for non-existent service, but we also have to support the absurd bonuses and then pay for your incompetence... nice! I say bring on Mother Nature's cold snap - just a little reality check.
Enough singing the blues. Instead, here are some blues that actually make me smile instead.

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