The last three posts worth of blogging have featured the fruits of a new camera, still lots to learn and get used to, a serious upgrade from my Coolpix compact. Very chuffed to be sporting the new toy I headed to the show, and landed up standing behind a guy that made me realise air show photography is a whole different story, what with his arm length lenses shrouded in carbon fibre. Of course I was also missing the baggy jacket, which in the past held rolls of film and goodies... hhhmm the lens cap seemed to fit perfectly in my pocket ;) Nevertheless the photies below are what we will have to make do with from a 135mm zoom, which I don't think are too bad given that the planes where not right overhead.

Commentary could be dodge given my knowledge of military planes, but I suspect this puppy is the Eurofighter.

Aaahhhh I want exhausts like that on my car...

Amazing to see the manoeuvrability of a carrier like this.

Yes, it is flying on its side...

An old Constellation, one of only 4 still in flying condition. Apparently it only took 36 passengers on board, now that's luxury. Its four props make a wonderful deep droning noise. Elegant air travel.

From the old to the new...

The big boy also graced the skies, it is quite large!

One of the ESA rockets on display outside the air and space museum at Le Bourget.

F35, its quite pretty really.
Happy flying!
I love these photos - please post them on flickr! I think that you will get some great feedback there.