I am pleased to let you know I have full time work, not that difficult to find... My new title is... well, not sure I have a title, but I am the hired help for a beautiful Persian princess. Occasionally she allows me the feeling of hob nobbing with royalty, but mostly I know my place as a lesser mortal. Duties include seeing to the drinking water and, what I must admit to as a pleasure, giving massages... life isn't too schabby!

Getting the drip rate equal to the lick rate isn't as easy as it looks... and I'll be darned if I can find the button to change the lick rate...
This means rub my tummy... or even better bury head in tummy (if you don't mind coughing up fur balls that is)
How to look down on someone from below them...
So that's Princess, the 'little one' in the house. Yet more proof that cats have staff instead of owners. Now that I have work it motivates me to find employment rather.
Wishing you fuzz therapy...
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