If the French government was interested in the well being of its society, they would give everyone a € 200 tax rebate to spend on a trip to Madrid. Not only would the deprived get a dose of sunshine, but they would learn that living can actually be enjoyable. One could even experience a night out without financial ruin.
How do they do that? Even the train ride in from the airport doesn't bankrupt; two euros in an air conditioned, modern clean and efficient metro. How come the old smelly RER into Paris sets one back more than eight? Let me guess, it is a complicated 15 layered mess of agreements and counter regulations aimed at keeping the taxi drivers in business... and not because we like them, it's just that having taxi drivers creates unions, that need to negotiate with an administration. So for ever taxi driver there are at least 9 'jobs' created, which are paid for by the exorbitant taxi license... Just as well the RER B drivers strike so often, by striking to work less, they actually enhance their worth to the system, and get to keep their (and many other's) jobs. Et voilĂ , the eight odd Euros starts to make sense. Give me less admin and air conditioning any day.
What a great city, but I don't know how they get any work done!

No visit is complete without a photo of the bear.

The streets are full at night, not just a few odd spots, but everywhere, until all hours.

The Royal Palace.

Even a dustbin works for a bar counter.

Of course chupitos, without our guide we would never have found them.

On the way home. We just didn't have the stamina of the locals... need some training.
So Nico, spare us some tax for another trip. In the interest of societal well being, of course ;)