Wednesday, April 08, 2009

continental france

Studying anthropology is the long way. Since this is 'sound bite society' here's a shorter better instant gratification way of understanding a culture; fly.

I have been spending quite a bit of time inside planes lately. The last thought that comes to mind when thinking flying is 'instant gratification'. However, in just a few cramped hours one can get a sneak peak of the other side.

One trip to Houston, there on Continental and back on Air France. What does this tell you about the cultures? Hmm, when speaking to a Air France staff, only the few immediate neighbours can hear the conversation. Right after take-off the Continental ladies rush for their flat 'around-the-house' shoes. Gratefully, the Air France ladies brush their hair and put on a little perfume after their mid flight snooze. Funny how a couple of folk in a tube of 'aluminum' can speak volumes.

There we go, a four year bachelor's degree condensed into just 20 sleep deprived hours.

Bon voyage!

away with the grey

18% grey is useful, it serves a purpose. Northern hemisphere winter grey, is however, just plain depressing. It has been a long winter of... not even bad weather. Bad weather would at least have character, it's been a long winter of blaaahhh grey.

So, very pleased to report that spring is showing signs. The heavy coat hasn't seen grey of day lately and in the garden there are colours.

Another view on flickr.

I hope the worst kind of grey you get is the 18% variety.

c'est la crise

It efforts to raise funds, thereby sinking society into further debt, to bail out banks who took dubious decisions and overpaid their incompetent leaders, the UK government has turned to foreign sources of financing. Can you believe it??? A UK visa can cost up to € 565! Now that's extortion. I guess that's one way to 'select' one's visitors. At least having paid that, you know your tourists will be able to fork out for a pee at Harrods.