Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Snow chasers

It must be true, the web page said so. A new dump down south at Chillan followed by two blue ski, wind free days. Not only great weather but also happened to coincide with that all too short a phenomenon, a weekend. Weekends must have been behind the door when god was handing out days... anyone could have seen that two just wouldn't be enough. Well, we had to make do, besides who could ignore the coming together of so many good omens.

After 5 hours of duelling on the pan american highway we arrived, late Friday, our lovely log cabin a few km's from the ski pistes of Chillan, stoked up the fire and got some z's.

Snow-forecast.com did not let us down, the day that followed was perfect.

The few km's from the wood cabin to the ski pistes. Chillan has a pretty different feel from other Chilean ski spots in that there are trees, well at least low down. Not that I know what an American or European piste looks like, but it kinda felt like one of those.

Volcan Chillan, with it's two vents, the view from the top of the highest operating lift

Criss crosses and sun haloes. The ride on an old 2 and a bit km long diesel engine powered lift... takes a while, not like you don't have beautiful scenery to keep you company though.

mush mush... ok or just rest there if you prefer...

The lift up through the woods, a common sight me seeing the backs of my ski buddies.

Ah to be in the Andes

Looking out towards the ocean, with the playground down below. Chillan is home to the longest southern hemisphere run of about 13 km, the legs can testify to that.

Looking up from the lunch spot, anitcuchos and wine, not too schabby.

The moral of the story when a weekend and weather get together, Go fo it! What a beautiful spot!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


It has been a long weekend of chicha and lots of handkerchief waving in Chile. No, Peru haven't invaded, it is the season of drink and dance to celebrate the 18th of September, Chile's independence day. The dieciocho celebration or fiestas patrias seem to be a big thing, with Chile shutting down and everyone kicking back with some monotonous music, drink and good friends. The national dance, cueca, is where the handkerchief waving comes in, it makes for some good spectacle throughout the cities. Flag sales are up and there is a general 'proud to be Chilean' feeling in the streets.

Instead of some flag photies or hankie waving, here is a lovely sunset enjoyed from San Alfonso, near Algorrobo at the coast.

Good friends, beautiful sunsets, dance and a feeling of pride... not too schabby a weekend.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Spring Skiing

Spring in Santiago is one of the best times of year, the air is occasionally clean, the mountains spectacular sporting their white coating, the grass is green and the birds let you know about it.

And of course there is spring skiing.. ahhhhh...

Valle Nevado on a fabulous spring day

That is the closest shot you will get of El Plomo while on the ground without summiting it, this at about 3700 m, I imagine it is one of the highest normal ski pistes in the world.

criss-crossed snow and sky

I hope you get a little too much sun and the odd mouth-drying rush of adrenalin.